Standing on the 16th tee box on a rather punishing March day, I decided to take out my driver on a short par-4 requiring a tenuous carry, on a course I had never played before.
Upon contact I knew it had been struck well, but I lost the ball in low-hanging, dense clouds. I glanced over at Taylor and looked for reassurance asking: “Is it safe?” to which he promptly replied: “Oh no Jonny. It isn’t safe. But it is good.”
Deriving from both a deep love and appreciation of the game, as well as a displeasure at the omnipresent bland, recycled and stagnant “golf-style”, we bring to you Good Lion Golf: an original and fresh offering in a sport that has been around for centuries, yet is just starting to evolve now. We’re seeking to honor traditional elements but with an updated approach.
No denim allowed?
Not anymore.
Jumpsuits for caddies only?
Not anymore.
Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden?
Not anymore.
Even if you despise the sport or golf culture, we hope you connect with our goal of being inclusive in reach and subversive in approach; of not just golfing well, but living well too.
Peace, from your Good Lion Golf Co-Founders,
Taylor & Jonny